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Q&A with Ardmore’s Kylen Haskins – Presented by Rib Crib

VYPE: What grade are you currently in and how long have you been playing football?

Kylen Haskins: I am in the 12th grade and I’ve been playing football since I remember, so my whole life.

VYPE: What makes being a student athlete at Ardmore special to you?

KH: Being a student athlete is so special because it’s an honor not everyone can have, it’s an honor that only certain people get to experience and all the cool things and perks that go along with the job.

VYPE: Who has been a big influence in your life and why?

KH: My parents, grandparents, girlfriend and siblings. I would say they influence me to be the best person I can be and try my best at everything I can do and see different things from multiple angles.

VYPE: What is your favorite memory from a game?

KH: My favorite memory from a game was actually after a game. Last year was a tough year for us and we had won against Altus, we were all headed into the locker room and Coach Newbie walks in and you know we were all loud and partying and things like that and then he walks in and we all got quiet, then out of nowhere he just starts yelling and getting us all hyped and the party resumed.

VYPE: What do you do before a game to get mentally prepared?

KH: Before a game I do a couple of things to prepare. I start with kind of disassociating with everyone in the locker room to get into my own mind in order to focus up then I put my headphones in and just zen out honestly.

VYPE: Who is your favorite football player and why? (NFL or College)

KH: My favorite player has to go to Le’Veon Bell. He’s just such an elusive back with great vision, he waits for blocks and he carries the ball very well and almost always finds the end zone while doing so.

VYPE: What rule do you think they should change in highschool football?

KH: One rule I want changed is the hurdle rule, the reason being for that is for me personally there is a lot of people who go for my knees and legs while trying to tackle me and it takes a toll on your legs after a while so if they would change that rule that could be easily prevented.

VYPE: What is the craziest thing you have seen on the football field?

KH: The craziest thing I’ve seen on a football field probably was like a helicopter landing on one to deliver a game ball.

VYPE: What are your plans for after you graduate highschool?

KH: I plan on continuing my football career through playing college ball then hopefully going to the next level with it. If that doesn’t work out too well then I would like to be an Oklahoma Fish and Game Warden.

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