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Plainview’s Landree Upshaw  – Athlete Spotlight — Presented by Henry Roberts Express Pharmacy

by Scott Metz

Plainview High School sophomore Landree Upshaw is a multisport athlete. Landree plays fastpitch and slow-pitch softball, and basketball for the Plainview High School Indians. For softball, Landree plays pitcher and utility, and for basketball, she plays center and post.  A sports veteran, she has played both softball and basketball since age four.

In terms of what it means to represent her team, and community, Landree proclaimed, “I want people to know who I am as a person, and for them to be able to know who I am when I am on the field. Coach Brandon Ybarra taught our team three F’s- ‘Fight, Finish, Faith.’ We wear it with pride to show our community who we are playing for.”

In regards to what motivates Landree, she explained, “What motivates me is getting to play with my friends and family. And the feeling of a win and success in the sport meant for failure is the best feeling. I would not trade it for the world.”

Most student athletes have someone they look up to as their biggest influence. For Landree, that person is family. “My mom is one of my biggest influences her hard work ethic, motivation to keep improving and her drive to help others.”

As far as what it has taken to become successful in sports, Landree accounted, “It has taken literal blood, sweat, and tears. But my three biggest things are attitude and effort. Always having God on hand has been my key factor of staying mentally focused, he is what gets me through the hard times and the good times.”

Besides playing softball and basketball for the Plainview High School Indians, Landree is involved with another extra-curricular activity. Landree stated, “I am involved in the Fellowship of Christian Athletes where we get to talk about Jesus, and discuss it with other fellow students every Wednesday night.”

After high school, Landree intends on continuing her education. Landree stated, “My plans after graduating from high school are to further my education, and pursue my softball career at the collegiate level.”

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