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Marietta’s Karrington Staton – Athlete Spotlight – Presented by The Taste by Chef Rodney

Karrington Staton – Marietta High School

Throughout an athlete’s career, they have a number of people that make an impact on them and help shape them into the player and the person that they will become. Karrington Staton is a multi-sport athlete at Marietta High School and she says that there are a few influences on her life.
 “Jesus is my biggest role model because he is a perfect example of how to live,” she said.”My parents are also my role models because of how hard working they are. My sister, Kaygan Staton is someone that has helped me grow as an athlete because she always pushes me to my full potential.”

Staton is a freshman at Marietta and she is a member of the fast-pitch softball, slow-pitch softball, and cheer teams. Outside of sports, she is also a member of the Family, Career and Community Leaders of America.

While she has worked hard to be at her best when she competes, Karrington also works hard in the classroom so that she can also be a successful student.

“It has taken a lot of effort and positivity to be successful in my sports,” she said. “I always make schoolwork my top priority over softball. I always make sure my schoolwork is done so that I don’t have to worry about my grades. A teacher that had the biggest impact on me was Mrs. Hicks. She always pushed me to my full potential and is always so positive and kind to her students.”

During her time as an athlete, Staton has enjoyed making a lot of memories with her teammates, both on and off the field.

“The highlight of my career was during our regionals game,” she said. “We all stayed hyper and positive the entire game no matter what happened.”

When she puts on the Marietta uniform, whether it is softball or cheer, Karrington knows that she is playing for more than just herself.

“I always want to make my community proud,” she said. “I do this by working hard and being positive on the field.”
 No matter what she is doing, there is one bible verse that Staton keeps in mind at all times. 1 Corinthians says ‘Whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God’. That is what Karrington strives to do each day.

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